Security group is a virtual firewall that can control the traffic for a group of VMs. In this example, we will create a flat network with a security group, then create one VM(INNER-VM) in the security group and another VM(OUTER-VM) out of the security group. The security group will initially contain a rule opening port 22 to the OUTER-VM; we will confirm OUTER-VM can SSH login the INNER-VM; later on, we will remove the only rule and confirm OUTER-VM cannot SSH login INNER-VM anymore.
We assume you have followed Quick Installation Guide to install ZStack on a single Linux machine, and the ZStack management node is up and running. To use the command line tool, type below command in your shell terminal:
To make things simple, we assume you have only one Linux machine with one network card that can access the internet; besides, there are some other requirements:
sudo su
passwd root
Based on those requirements, we assume below setup information:
open zstack-cli and login with admin/password:
>>> LogInByAccount accountName=admin password=password
create a zone with name 'ZONE1' and description 'zone 1':
>>> CreateZone name=ZONE1 description='zone 1'
create a cluster with name 'CLUSTER1' and hypervisorType 'KVM' under zone 'ZONE1':
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> CreateCluster name=CLUSTER1 hypervisorType=KVM zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5
add KVM Host 'HOST1' under 'CLUSTER1' with correct host IP address and root username and password:
QueryCluster fields=uuid, name=CLUSTER1
>>> AddKVMHost name=HOST1 managementIp= username=root password=password clusterUuid=e630ebdb5f7742f3818fd998e91d35a8
add Primary Storage 'PRIMAYR-STORAGE1' with URL '/zstack_ps' under zone 'ZONE1':
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> AddLocalPrimaryStorage name=PRIMARY-STORAGE1 url=/zstack_ps zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5
QueryCluster fields=uuid, name=CLUSTER1
QueryPrimaryStorage fields=uuid, name=PRIMARY-STORAGE1
>>> AttachPrimaryStorageToCluster primaryStorageUuid=1b952f1e74a747dfb89ef3bdb9e8a821 clusterUuid=e630ebdb5f7742f3818fd998e91d35a8
add sftp Backup Storage 'BACKUP-STORAGE1' with backup storage host IP address(''), root username('root'), password('password') and sftp folder path('/zstack_bs'):
>>> AddSftpBackupStorage name=BACKUP-STORAGE1 hostname= username=root password=password url=/zstack_bs
attach new created Backup Storage('BACKUP-STORAGE1') to zone('ZONE1'):
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
QueryBackupStorage fields=uuid, name=BACKUP-STORAGE1
>>> AttachBackupStorageToZone backupStorageUuid=ccc8214bfc2344e5a58c2ec23de3b348 zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5
add Image('image') with format 'qcow2', 'RootVolumeTemplate' type, 'Linux' platform and image URL('') to backup storage ('BACKUP-STORAGE1'):
QueryBackupStorage fields=uuid, name=BACKUP-STORAGE1
>>> AddImage name=image mediaType=RootVolumeTemplate platform=Linux url= backupStorageUuids=ccc8214bfc2344e5a58c2ec23de3b348 format=qcow2
this image will be used as user VM image.
create No Vlan L2 Network 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L2' with physical interface as 'eth0' under 'ZONE1':
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> CreateL2NoVlanNetwork name=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L2 physicalInterface=eth0 zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5
QueryCluster fields=uuid, name=CLUSTER1
QueryL2Network fields=uuid, name=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L2
>>> AttachL2NetworkToCluster l2NetworkUuid=b4b611280afe4d289c8e3f66aee0393d clusterUuid=e630ebdb5f7742f3818fd998e91d35a8
create new private Vlan L2 network 'PRIVATE-L2' with physical interface as 'eth0' and vlan '100' under 'ZONE1':
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> CreateL2VlanNetwork name=PRIVATE-L2 physicalInterface=eth0 vlan=100 zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5
attach 'PRIVATE-L2' to 'CLUSTER1':
QueryCluster fields=uuid, name=CLUSTER1
QueryL2Network fields=uuid, name=PRIVATE-L2
>>> AttachL2NetworkToCluster l2NetworkUuid=b052b4e080c840f6984c29581b167644 clusterUuid=e630ebdb5f7742f3818fd998e91d35a8
on L2 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L2', create a Public Management L3 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3' with system set to 'True':
QueryL2Network fields=uuid, name=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L2
>>> CreateL3Network name=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3 l2NetworkUuid=b4b611280afe4d289c8e3f66aee0393d system=true
create IP Range for 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3':
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3
>>> AddIpRange name=PUBLIC-IP-RANGE l3NetworkUuid=5bda71a3ebbd48a5947e325dd24665e5 startIp= endIp= netmask= gateway=
add Image('VRImage') with format 'qcow2' and image URL('') to backup storage ('BACKUP-STORAGE1'):
QueryBackupStorage fields=uuid, name=BACKUP-STORAGE1
>>> AddImage name=VRImage url= backupStorageUuids=ccc8214bfc2344e5a58c2ec23de3b348 format=qcow2
this image will be used as Virtual Router VM image.
create a Virtual Router VM instance offering 'VR-OFFERING' with 1 CPU, 512MB memory, management L3 network 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3', public L3 network 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3' and isDefault 'True':
QueryImage fields=uuid, name=VIRTUAL-ROUTER
QueryL3Network fields=uuid,name, name?=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3,PRIVATE-L3
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> CreateVirtualRouterOffering name=VR-OFFERING cpuNum=1 imageUuid=090906b0e7de4bf890c677b3bc8f680b managementNetworkUuid=5bda71a3ebbd48a5947e325dd24665e5 publicNetworkUuid=5bda71a3ebbd48a5947e325dd24665e5 zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5 memorySize=536870912
on L2 network 'PRIVATE-L2', create a new guest VM L3 'PRIVATE-L3':
QueryL2Network fields=uuid, name=PRIVATE-L2
>>> CreateL3Network name=PRIVATE-L3 l2NetworkUuid=b052b4e080c840f6984c29581b167644
create an IP Range for 'PRIVATE-L3':
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=PRIVATE-L3
>>>AddIpRange name=PRIVATE-RANGE l3NetworkUuid=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3 startIp= endIp= netmask= gateway=
add DNS for 'PRIVATE-L3':
QueryL3Network fields=uuid name=PRIVATE-L3
>>> AddDnsToL3Network l3NetworkUuid=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3 dns=
we need to get available network service provider UUID, before add any virtual router service to L3 network:
>>> QueryNetworkServiceProvider
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=PRIVATE-L3
QueryNetworkServiceProvider fields=uuid, name=VirtualRouter
attach SecurityGroup services to 'FLAT-L3':
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=FLAT-L3
QueryNetworkServiceProvider fields=uuid,name name?=VirtualRouter,SecurityGroup
>>> AttachNetworkServiceToL3Network networkServices="{'90df78d13d8d4f7a99b2b0465b3ea1ba':['SecurityGroup']}" l3NetworkUuid=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3
create Security Group 'SECURITY-GROUP-1':
>>> CreateSecurityGroup name=SECURITY-GROUP-1
create Security Group Rule for 'SECURITY-GROUP-1':
QuerySecurityGroup fields=uuid, name=SECURITY-GROUP-1
>>> AddSecurityGroupRule securityGroupUuid=72f3e24f0b7c4d588810c25075524954 rules="[{'type':'Ingress','protocol':'TCP','startPort':'25','endPort':'22'}]"
attach 'SECURITY-GROUP-1' to 'PRIVATE-L3':
QuerySecurityGroup fields=uuid, name=SECURITY-GROUP-1
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=PRIVATE-L3
>>> AttachSecurityGroupToL3Network securityGroupUuid=72f3e24f0b7c4d588810c25075524954 l3NetworkUuid=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3
create a guest VM instance offering 'small-instance' with 1 512Mhz CPU and 128MB memory:
>>> CreateInstanceOffering name=small-instance cpuNum=1 cpuSpeed=512 memorySize=134217728
create a Virtual Router VM instance offering 'VR-OFFERING' with 1 CPU, 512MB memory, management L3 network 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3', public L3 network 'PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3' and isDefault 'True':
QueryImage fields=uuid, name=VIRTUAL-ROUTER
QueryL3Network fields=uuid,name, name?=PUBLIC-MANAGEMENT-L3,PRIVATE-L3
QueryZone fields=uuid, name=ZONE1
>>> CreateVirtualRouterOffering name=VR-OFFERING cpuNum=1 imageUuid=090906b0e7de4bf890c677b3bc8f680b managementNetworkUuid=5bda71a3ebbd48a5947e325dd24665e5 publicNetworkUuid=5bda71a3ebbd48a5947e325dd24665e5 zoneUuid=b5ba18197f7843308cd26f87eab933c5 memorySize=536870912
create a new guest VM instance with instance offering 'small-instance', image 'zs-sample-image', L3 network 'PRIVATE-L3', name 'INNER-VM' and hostname 'inner'
QueryInstanceOffering fields=uuid, name=small-instance
QueryImage fields=uuid, name=image
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=FLAT-L3
>>> CreateVmInstance name=INNER-VM instanceOfferingUuid=025d33f751e241a5b89862e3da2dac47 imageUuid=6874474809df4d2292d3503884e0096e l3NetworkUuids=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3
from VM creation result, you can get the new created VM IP address is
QuerySecurityGroup fields=uuid name=SECURITY-GROUP-1
QueryVmNic fields=uuid
>>> AddVmNicToSecurityGroup vmNicUuids=715b1051e8dc4bc69302865179c31d4b securityGroupUuid=72f3e24f0b7c4d588810c25075524954
create a new guest VM instance with instance offering 'small-instance', image 'zs-sample-image', L3 network 'PRIVATE-L3', name 'OUTER-VM' and hostname 'outer'
QueryInstanceOffering fields=uuid, name=small-instance
QueryImage fields=uuid, name=zs-sample-image
QueryL3Network fields=uuid, name=FLAT-L3
>>> CreateVmInstance name=OUTER-VM instanceOfferingUuid=025d33f751e241a5b89862e3da2dac47 imageUuid=6874474809df4d2292d3503884e0096e l3NetworkUuids=6a73fdfffb104c79919179af28cba3e3
from VM creation result, you can get the new created VM IP address is
use a machine that can reach subnet to SSH the OUTER-VM's IP ''
QueryVmNic fields=ip
#ssh root@
in OUTER-VM, ssh INNER-VM's IP '', it should failed:
QueryVmNic fields=ip
#ssh root@
delete 'SECURITY-GROUP-1' rule:
QuerySecurityGroupRule fields=uuid startPort=22 endPort=22
>>> DeleteSecurityGroupRule ruleUuids=5d1ebed51795467b894ca2f77f9293cd
go back to OUTER-VM and ssh INNER-VM again, it should success.
In this tutorial, we showed you the basics of using security group. Though we only show one security group with one L3 network and one VM; you can actually create many security groups and attach them to different L3 networks; you can also put many VMs in the same security group. For more details, please visit Security Group in user manual.